Family Resource

Recognizing the need for support over the life-course, the Family Resource Program assists individuals with a developmental disability—and their families—during all of life’s transitions, improving both the quality of life for individuals and the well-being of the family unit.

The Family Resource Coordinator provides information about supports and services available both locally and provincially. The Family Resource Program aims to assist families through periods of transition that are not limited to times of crisis. The program provides family-to-family networking, training and information sessions for family members and individuals with a developmental disability in the community, as well as opportunities for parents to share their experiences and important information with others.
The Family Resource Program also supports adults living with developmental disabilities by coordinating a Self-Advocates group which meets regularly to offer an opportunity for individuals to socialize and to participate in workshops designed to improve life skills and sense of belonging. Topics include banking, transit use, nutrition, safety in the community and online and other health-related topics. The program also offers a weekly Peer Social Group which provides the opportunity for young adults to ease the transition from high school by creating a social network in the community.
The Family Resource Program is fully funded through private donations and grants. Aspire is grateful to Province of BC – Direct Access Community Grants, the City of Richmond and Coast Capital Savings Credit Union for making this program possible.